International Academy of Self-Knowledge
Transformational MeditationTM | Courses | Success Stories | Transformational MeditationTM Coaches

Transformational MeditationTM Coaches


Libby Adams, PhD, DD, Founder


Deborah M. Dubree, Director of Development


Geraldine Brisbane


Jodie Casarico


Julianna Forgione


L. Kae Graniel


Jo Ann Harvey


Reverend Eugene D. Holden


Rev. Lisa Biancuzzo Howard


Meghan Karraba


Laurie Kopping, M.A.


Nancy Littlefield


Jean Marchand


Allison Martin-Attix


Civil Adams McGowan


David Meyer


Dr. James Proetz


Margaret Shebalin

Dr. James Proetz

James grew up in the Midwest, studying theater and zoology before he connected with his life’s calling as a healer. He began his studies of Chiropractic and alternative health care in 1977 and has continued his journey ever since.

In 1981, James became intrigued by the mind-body connection, especially how nonconscious thoughts express themselves in the physical body. An opportunity to study integrative spiritual and emotional techniques with chiropractic brought James to Southern California. However, this move did not leave behind his challenges with addictions to alcohol and other compulsions. He battled with these parts as he pursued learning more about what made him choose these behaviors.

Through participation in 12-Step Groups and working with John Bradshaw, Geneen Roth and Stan and Christina Grof, James rediscovered his mission of helping others to discover their purpose and inspiring them to love, heal and prosper. In 1991, James was introduced to Dr. Libby Adams through a local networking organization; he dove headlong and immersed himself in learning Transformational Meditation.

Despite the vast array of healing modalities that he had used and studied previously, it was Transformational Meditation and the associated processes he learned that finally facilitated his own, complete recovery from past addictions. It was this transformation that truly inspired James to dedicate his life to helping his patients and students overcome their personal challenges with this powerful healing modality.

Teaching and inspiring others to discover their purpose and to create more health, wealth and love in their lives was and is the motivation that has led Dr. Proetz to be a life-long student of understanding human behavior and to having studied in the areas of:

Transformational Training: Academy of Self Knowledge, John Bradshaw, Geneen Roth, Mark Victor Hansen, T. Harv Eker, Scott Peck, Patrick Carnes, Laughter and Play Workshops, Holotropic Breathwork

Alternative Health Care: Northwestern College of Chiropractic, International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture

NLP, Master Practitioner

Wealth-Building: Loral Langmeier of Live Out Loud, Investools and ThinkorSwim Education

James Realized The Opportunity Of His Own Life Challenges (That We Are Each Uniquely Gifted) The desire to understand his behavior and heal or recover from his addictions and compulsions provided the materials for James to create Transformational Chiropractic (which has a special focus on physical healing by combining Transformational Meditation with chiropractic.) James now has an international clientele with students in Europe, Mexico and Central America.

James brings his own personal Loving Heart, Listening Mind and Healing Hands to ensure that you will, like him, discover the Passion of a Mission and Recover Your Own Healing from Within!

~ T E S T I M O N I A L S ~

Lessens the stress of adapting to life’s constant changes!
Testimonial following Self-Discovery session
A couple of hours with Dr. Proetz challenged the way I make decisions and the time it takes to make them. It also lessens the stress of adapting to life's constant changes by aligning my subconscious and conscious mind with God, who is my ultimate authority and kind-loving guide.
Dr. G. Judd, California

I have gained greater focus on what matters most! Testimonial after Self-Discovery session Thanks for such a great session! I so appreciate your calming presence and the confidence you demonstrated during our time together. You gave me ample space and I didn’t feel rushed. As a result, I have gained greater focus on what matters most. And it has also helped me minimize the “chatter” that sometimes gets in the way. Thanks again!
D.D., business coach and
real estate agent, Florida

I feel saner and healthier, REALLY!
Testimonial following a Self-Discovery Session
I find after this level of training that I'm closer to not reaching for my learned tool of judgment. I am now choosing to reach for a new tool of simply "being", which allows wonder and peace to fill my heart. I feel saner and healthier, REALLY. With this renewed feelings of health and sanity, my family, friends and work flow better, and a natural enjoyment of life starts to fill in the spaces of my heart where judgment sat before. I thank you and wish you also peace in your heart.
D.H., California

I am living the mastery of my thought! Testimonial following the 28-Day Mastery of self Program
After having done the 28day TFM for 5 times now I can say I am the master of my state... That means I do not experience unhappiness for much longer than max. 10-15 seconds anymore... After that I realize my own destructive thinking patterns and just change my focus and help myself with all the powerful question and tools I learned in the program. My level of awareness/consciousness is much higher today and therefore I am living the mastery of my thought. That of course leads step by step to improvements in my outer world...

I experience many people who really like to help me / invite me or want to spend time with me because I am so “peaceful and quiet “ and they gain so much in the time being with me. As well in business as a trader in the precious metals market I am much more relaxed and focused... As I said above the greatest benefit of the program is that I can handle my state now all the time during the day! And that is absolutely wonderful!
Master Trader & Musician, Germany

Released pent up fears that held me back from growing my business!
Testimonial following a Self-Discovery Session
Dr Proetz during a Transformational Meditation session uncovered a limiting belief I had related to money. He helped me to release pent up fears that held me back from growing my online business and financial plan. Thank you Dr Proetz! You should try at least one session to see what can be uncovered that may be holding you back from receiving all life has to offer you. Because, you deserve an awesome life!

Helped me break through the barriers that were getting in the way of living the life of my dreams!
Testimonial following Self-Discovery Session Meeting James was truly a gift. He introduced me to Transformational Meditation, a simple, yet profoundly powerful method that helped me break through the barriers that were getting in the way of living the life of my dreams. I was so excited about how quickly it helped to shift my own thinking that I asked him to present a workshop to people I know. Of course, they raved about it and asked before the workshop was over when he could come back to teach again!
Student, Arizona

It turned my life completely around 180 degrees!
Testimonial after 28 Day Mastery of self Course
To do the 28-Day-Course was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life! It turned my life completely around 180 degrees. I started it because I was very frustrated and depressed especially because I had to write a final essay for the university to finish my studies – and I hadn’t done it. As soon as I started the program of transformational meditation my behavior changed completely. Four weeks later the essay was written and during the time I wrote it, I was happy and relaxed and full of trust, that I finish the essay and that it will be a very good one.

But not only did my study behavior change – I also became much more aware of the beauty of the world and I have reached a state of mental peace and am able to live in harmony with my environment.

So I encourage everyone to do this transformational meditation and to learn about the beauty of the universe and the strength you have inside of yourself.
F.G., educator and trader, Munich, Germany

Helped me to get laser clear on what I wanted and to let go of limiting beliefs I had!
Testimonial after Self-Discovery session
After my session with Dr James Proetz I had clear focus on the changes I needed to make in my life.

Some of those changes happened immediately and others evolved over time.

I was clearing up the old remnants of a relationship that were holding me back from moving forward. I am now in a very loving relationship with my new partner which goes from strength to strength.

My relationships with my family have also changed and are more open and loving.

I also took the well needed rest that was essential for my health and I am now back stronger than ever with my creativity flowing.

I am continuing now in a whole new direction with my Stop Smoking program, offering it internationally by video online meetings, which will save me time and money without all the huge travelling I was doing previously. Because of this I expect to be financially better off this year than in previous years.

Dr James helped me to get laser clear on what I wanted and to let go of limiting beliefs I had. My thought processes have changed, so now I can make very clear decisions and plans for my life.
M.M., entrepreneur, Ireland

The Manifestation Formula worked!
Testimonial during the 28-Day Master of Self course
A very important experience was how great the manifestation formula worked – I did it, and I got exactly the person I wanted to get as a renter - not only was it that the first renter who asked to rent out my apartment was already good, but the second one fit perfectly! All the best and Thank you!
Student, Germany

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